About Us
As an avid knife admirer, collector, and also knifemaker, I began offering image editing of other makers photos into multi-image montages, early 2020. My wife Sharon and I, expanded this in 2021 to offering actual photography of knives, and now attend every major knife show in Australia, photographing knives, promoting them on your behalf to publications the world over.
With the cessation of any knife publication in Australia, we decided in 2022 to take it upon ourselves and write/ self publish a bi-ennial (every second year) book, highlighting the excellent handmade artisan knifemaking community across Australia and New Zealand.
As a hobbyist knife maker, knife appreciator, knife collector, photographer, graphic designer, plus coming from a farming and industrial background using knives, we feel that we are in an excellent position to highlight your knives to their best potential, through excellent photographs and amazing image montages, then submitting the completed images to publications across the globe.
We look forward to working with you soon.
Remember, dull photos don't cut it!
Rod and Sharon